Intermission: On Call, page posted 7/18/22

Page 2 of 18

On Call — Page 2

Author commentary

Veronica: I do really like this sequence now that I properly revised it. It’s really hard to make a conversation look dynamic and I take different angles overtime every time. A phone call is a solid challenge!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #21607

Sorry. I was busy smooching another girl


Comment ID #21608

did he imply he was gonna... do something?? why did she assume that


Comment ID #21609

It doesn't sound like he did directly, but I bet he always answered the phone ASAP when she called. So if he missed a few calls she might have assumed so.


Comment ID #21610

He was Super Distressed during the call, soooo.... I honestly would've assumed that too lol

Maybelle Conrad  

Comment ID #21611

Don't forget that Lucy also made an attempt on her own life. While it might not be openly discussed, that thought sitting in the back of people's mind can cause assumptions to be made when someone else seems to be getting depressed.


Comment ID #21612

@ Maybelle, I dunno, that's a pretty big conclusion to jump to. he's never expressed any ideation before and at the very least, Sandy reads him as pretty mentally well off. he did sound very upset, but not in a life threatening way


Comment ID #21613

idk I don't mean to say that it makes no sense for Sandy to be worried or that she is/needs to be the most rational character ever, I'm just a little... squinty eyes at her for jumping right to this level of panic. and that she wasn't worried enough to call for help, despite how freaked out she sounds on the phone. I think the comment from Alec below explains it better


Comment ID #21614

Mike: Alright, I’ll make sure to scare you even more next time.

Sandy: MAISHUL!!!!

Mike: (snickers)

Sandy: (growls in anger)


Comment ID #21615

Wow now you know how Mike feels every time he has a meltdown over you not answering lmao


Comment ID #21616

And it all makes sense now..


Comment ID #21617

Oh shit, she thought he killed himself.

Maybelle Conrad  

Comment ID #21618

Mmm, starting off with a demand rather than an apology is definitely not the most healthy way to approach this call. I get that her emotions are high, but it's not a great look. Gives an air of blame rather than a genuine apology over the pain caused. I get the feeling this call will start going down that path, (hopefully) but subtle things like that can show the cracks in a relationship that need to be addressed.


Comment ID #21619

"I thought you did something bad!"

Oh girl, he absolutely did, and the next day he'll make it even worse.

Sai Santoso-Miller  

Comment ID #21620

This is looking like they are together because she's afraid he'll unalive himself? I hope not but I wouldn't have answered the phone if I was Mike. But then again, I'm not. Looking forward to the next pages :D!


Comment ID #21621

Aaahhhh alternative universe


Comment ID #21622

Damn, she actually looks hella distraught even from a shot like that!

Rendak Darkgale  

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