Love Again — Page 5

Author commentary

Veronica: At one point in the dialogue revision, Souppy had Abbey say “don’t be silly, I’m sure he deserved every word” and I was like “YIKES MAN” because Abbey’s not a weirdo gaslighter like that. “Don’t be silly” isn’t that horrible of a thing to say generally, but with someone as serious as Abbey, it takes on a whole new abusive streak. And that’s totally not Abbey :l

Oliver: Yeah, a lot of this chapter was about tweaking the balance for a lot of the tension and conflict underlying all these characters. It’s a tough life for Abbey.

Also we are at Youmacon! In Detroit! Right now! Go!!

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Comments from around the web

Honest Abe here’s having none of Paulo’s nonsense. Again, how many times before Paulo learns, or burns? Is this it? Or will Rachel let him have it first? This is like survivor. First Lucy’s voted off for a season, now him? :o

Tumblr: abbeyslilkits November 5, 2016

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