This is Candybooru, a user-contributed Bittersweet Candy Bowl fan art gallery. You can search for tagged artists or characters (e.g. Taeshi and Paulo), comment on pictures, or upload your own. Sign up for a Candybooru account and get involved!


    Lucy Lucy's_Aunt agentchimendez_(Artist) (1193x1130, 387.6KB)
    AbbeyxDaisy Kitten agentchimendez_(Artist) (863x1119, 423.2KB)
    Lucy Mike MikexLucy bramblepaws_(Artist) (1836x1260, 281.1KB)
    Daisy Lost_Lake_(Artist) (645x645, 137.2KB)
    Mike ScaleKnight194_(Artist) (1200x800, 77.2KB)
    Daisy Frogchamp_(Artist) Paulo (1080x1080, 967.7KB)
    Daisy Narrator_(Artist) (2550x3300, 944.5KB)
    Haley Jordan JordanxHaley Narrator_(Artist) (2550x3300, 993.6KB)
    Daisy Lucy ScaleKnight194_(Artist) Sue parody (800x1200, 99.9KB)
    Abbey Lemoncatfox_(Artist) Molly (1280x1280, 189.6KB)
    Mike Roseville_Wallflower_(Artist) (2304x3072, 2.7MB)
    Amaya ScratchKat_(Artist) Sue (1054x1054, 48.1KB)
    Flak0ps_(Artist) Sandy (1432x1635, 654.9KB)
    Flak0ps_(Artist) Mike MikexSandy Sandy excellent (2344x2333, 1.7MB)
    Lucy MLP Mike Sweet_Strawberry_Milk_(Artist) (1266x1524, 492.2KB)
    Mike Paulo Sandy ScratchKat_(Artist) (1424x7497, 1.5MB)
    1 2 3 ... 872